Friday, February 26, 2010

A Font Custom Made with Your Handwriting for FREE!

I just downloaded all of the fonts from Kevin and's Fonts for Peas. They are super cute and FREE! Now I wouldn't recommend downloading all the fonts unless you know how to delete fonts. I'll have to figure that one out, because now I have too many fonts. There is a button on the side bar that you can click to download all of them. Make sure you read the directions on how to do it here. If you love your handwriting or someone else's, you can send her a handwriting sample and she'll create a font for you for free! If you click at the top of the page on "free scrapbook fonts" there are even more fonts you can get for free. They also have plenty of free advise on how to change your blog on their regular blog. She's self taught in HTML! Amazing!
I get the cutest handwriting fonts at Fonts for Peas!
**3/12/10-the link in the text isn't working for whatever reason, and my computer won't let me fix it right now. So make sure you click on the button to get to the site.

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